Hahenko's release song preview, "No Logic" has been one of my favorite songs for years, sung by one of my favorite vocaloids. Hopefully on her new vb release I can relay my feelings of love for it >.<
Taisei's PV is next and then the full release!
Got the 'ol blog finally fixed up and ready for function. The banner images should be significantly smaller and easier to load, also added a progress bar for upcoming voice banks, among other things! Just about ready to officially release the current voice banks/revamped AS-17loids! I just need to finish their release song PV's and I'll be finished! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Still working on the kinks of the site before officially releasing the new voicebanks. I'm also currently working on a multi-pitch VCV bank for Hahenko atm that's proving to be a bit difficult...I'm using the excuse that I've never made a multi-pitch before, so give me a break (ಢ⊱ಢ 。)
Also, I'm so sorry for people who don't have ridiculously fast internet to load my banner pictures. I'll have the size limit set soon!! ;;_;;
I love the design I went with, too bad I'm just terrible at html ;;^-^
Hopefully I can get the download links for Hahenko and Taisei's VCV banks up today, along with some links to the older voice banks....
Still working out some kinks in the blog, but hopefully everything will go smoothly along. I really don't have very much time these days to work on UTAU, especially on social media like twitter and tumblr, but I defiantly AM active in the UTAU community on soundcloud as extremeclay, if anybody wants to add me! I only post UTAU songs that I deem to be very enjoyable, as well as Japanese songs and cover songs I find from whom I'm following.
Redesigning, recreating, re-releasing......
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