I've been grounded from the computer for nearly 3 weeks D: During this time, I've worked on many art works and snuck on to make a few covers for songs. Hopefully I'll be ungrounded VERY soon (when that D in math is an A! >:( ) And thus can upload Anti the Holic, Beautiful World Chorus, and other things....:D Oh and yet again, I'm going to try my hand at 3D modeling with 3DSMAX....wish me luck -_-
Hello, my name is Extremeclay! Thank you for visiting my blog!
This blog is for the distribution of computer synthesized voices for the Japanese/English program UTAU, created by "Ameya/Ayame". It is very similar to the VOCALOID products produced by YAMAHA, with the main differences being that it is FREE and you can produce your own vocals to load into the program. For more information on what UTAU and VOCALOID is, please visit the UTAU wiki site or the Vocaloid Wikipedia Article.